Cutting-edge technology

EIC Accelerator Grants

Grants of up to £2.5 million (70% grant contribution) are available to scale-up game-changing innovations from the European Innovation Council.

EIC Accelerator supports high growth SMEs, start-ups and spinouts to grow and scale-up game-changing technologies. Any technology, any application so long as it’s a breakthrough innovation.

Projects are especially welcomed that:

  • Create new markets or disrupt existing markets, or
  • Build on ‘deep tech’ scientific or technological breakthroughs, or
  • Offer high risk / high impact innovations

Grants are offered in regular application competitions. These are extremely competitive and only the very best proposals get funding. You need more than a well-scripted proposal to succeed

To find out more about preparing an EIC Accelerator grant application:


How we work

EIC Grant Application Process

Competition for EIC Accelerator funding is intense – so you need a compelling application to succeed.

We help you:

  • Define your project within your business goals
  • Develop a fully resourced project plan
  • Build the best business case
  • Prepare the application

So you can focus valuable time and effort on running your business.

For help preparing an EIC Accelerator application:


Why Choose Us?

Hassle-free Service – We know you have a business to run, so we’ll minimise time demands on you. Our streamlined process assures a quality application with little input from you. And we’ll keep you updated.

Higher Value Grant – Under-claiming the full cost of your R&D is not unusual if you’re not familiar with the rules. Our robust process ensures you get the most possible.

Exceptional Value – Some specialists charge the earth for this – but do they really understand R&D? We do – and we provide the best value in the sector.

Get in touch for a free consultation today

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